Economy Ummah

CONCEPTION Ummah Leadership realized that the most important and urgent, one of which, is the leadership of the ummah in economics.

Called the ummah and the nation, especially in this country, do not have to worry accused diametrically conscious, that though: the Ummah at the end here, people on the other end.

Ummah and nation are two sides of the same coin pieces, Indonesia. Do not split apart, separated meaningless. Baldatun thayyibatun warabbung ghafur, in the mindset of the people, beautiful bersimulakrum with hubbul wathani minal faith.

Historical fact, the majority of the shares of independence beloved country, over 90% is dedicated to the martyrs of the nation's air-syahadatain. Demographic fact, 90% of the Indonesian nation we call Muslims.

DEAR, indeed, historical and demographic facts that have not been accompanied by economic facts.

Remembering the adage Robert T Kiyosaki, the Rich Dad, Poor Dad, "the law 90/10". That 90 percent of the wealth is controlled by 10 percent of people. The remaining 10 percent in contesting by 90 percent.

Kiyosaki, a new generation is lucky cerdsa wealthy retired at the age of 40 years, do not talk about Indoneisa or Muslims. Even so, "the law 90/10" in a landslide strikes our reality. That 90 percent of the nation of Indonesia, namely Muslims, 10 percent have competed the remnants economical.

To pave the realitaas required to realize the economic leadership of the ummah. Logic is straightforward and clear derivatives: Ummah prosperous, surely this nation prosperous' ummah destitute, and the people are dying.

A Stingy Rich Man

There was a rich man in Nasreddin’s village. Even though he was rich, nobody really liked him because he was very stingy. One afternoon, he went to a riverbank for a walk. While walking, he was playing with his coin just to kill the time. Losing concentration, he dropped the coin into the river. He got so disturbed and tried hard to get the coin back. He didn’t manage to keep his balance, so he fell into the river. Since he didn’t know how to swim, he was about to get drown. The villagers gathered around the riverbank, trying to save him.
“Give me your hand! Give me your hand!” the people shouted.
Miraculously, the man didn’t want to extend his hands. At that time, Nasreddin happened to pass by.

“Nasreddin, you should do something. Hasan, the rich, has fallen into the river. He is going to get drown, but he doesn’t let us save him,” one of them told Nasreddin.
“let me try,” Nasreddin replied.
He went to the bank of the big river immediately and rolled up his sleeves.
“Hasan, Hasan, take my hand!” Nasreddin shouted to the drowning man.
To this, the man immediately extended his hand and grabbed Nasreddin’s arm. Now Nasreddin and the others were able to pull the man out of the water.
“How could you make it, Nasreddin?” one of the villagers asked.
“It’s easy. He is quite stingy, right? He is not used to giving to others. He’s better at taking than giving. So use the word ‘take’ not ‘give’,” Nasreddin replied calmly. The people nodded their heads, indicating that they understood. They know that the stingy person never gives but takes something.
[Taken from Nasreddin’s Funniest Stories by Priyasudiarja & Purwaningsih, 2011]

English Camp of MERCY | Session VI

Join with us in ENGLISH CAMP of MERCY, session VI on March 9-10, 2013 at VILLA BOSOWA Kabupaten Maros.

Contents :

  • Basic of English
  • games
  • Basic Conversation
  • English Motivation
  • Small outbond,
  • etc.

Opened for teenagers, students, (from junior, senior high school, students of University, etc)

Contribution = Rp 50.000,-
(please bring 5 packs indomie + 5 eggs + 1 ltr of rice).

Contact Person :
Ismail Nurdin = 085 242 353 833/ 087 841 132 37
Rijal Mukarram = 081 242 994 858/ pin BB 284DC605
Kache = 085 242 484 636/ pin BB 288730F4

Feel the different taste in ENGLISH LEARNING with MERCY MAROS!!

SUPPORTED BY. Maros English Regeneration CommunitY (MERCY) Kabupaten Maros :)

Brosur English Camp Mercy Maros

English Day

Mau belajar ngomong bahasa Inggris ?, atau ingin lebih mengasah kemampuan berbahasa inggris Anda ? Dan sekaligus belajar dengan suasana yang nyaman dan menyenangkan !

IKUTI DAN BERPARTISIPASILAH dalam kegiatan English Day yang dilaksanakan oleh MERCY "Maros English Regeneration CommunitY"




Hari/Tanggal : Sabtu dan Minggu, 14-15 JULI 2012
Pukul : 16.00 Wita- selesai.


Aula (Kolam Renang Bantimurung). Kab. Maros, Sulawesi Selatan-Indonesia


Rp. 50.000/ PESERTA




* SMP Kelas 3





* Utami Adharniyanti : 085341456263
* Ismail Nurdin : 085 242 353 833 / 087841132037

Police Say Halting Concert was to Protect Nation's Culture

Jakarta Police chief Insp. Gen. Untung S. Rajab insisted on Wednesday that stopping American pop diva Lady Gaga from holding a concert In Jakarta was part of his duty to “protect the nation’s culture”.
Jakarta Police chief Insp
The reasons behind the police’s refusal to issue a permit for the show not only include security issues but also the police’s duty to protect the nation’s culture”, he said. “You have to view the decision to not issue the permit or the concert objectively. There will always be those who oppose every decision,” he said.

Untung also said that the police would have to forcefully close down the show, should the promoter decide to go ahead with the plan of holding the concert at the Bung Karno Main Stadium on June 3.

“I’m not banning {Lady Gaga}, I just refuse to recommend {the 3 June big be held},” he told reporters. “If {the promoter} insists on holding the show, then it may be deemed as unlawful, and the show will have closed down”.

The police have revealed that this is the first time authorities have ever banned a foreign singer from performing in Indonesia over the years, several foreign performers have canceled their scheduled concerts in Indonesia for variours reasons, but none of them were banned by law enforcement agencies.

Question :

  1. What do you think about this topic ?
  2. I Lady gaga's concert will be held, do you mant to watch the concert ? Why ?
  3. Do you agree with the statement "lady gaga's concerts will corrupt Indonesian youths" ? Why ?
  4. What the effect I Lady gaga's concert may have to cancel in Indonesia ?
  5. What the solution about this problem ?

Teenagers And Modernization

Teenagers and modernization are two inherent matter. Teenagers tendency very strong to keep abreast of existing. This matter is happened because in Teenagers age is very easy too influenze the pattern live, habbit, life style, assocciation, and science.
Teenagers is a very critical period. A period to trying and imitating matters assumed newly and become the tren in this time. Way of dressing, way of behaving, way of associating, till the way of conversing are always strived for not left behing epoch.

This matter effect by positif and negative to Teenagers. So that needed “ Filter” or action from various circle so that the change for all the Teenagers do not Effect the negative on a large scale. Required a special attention to handle various Teenagers distortion that happened because effect from medernization.

All parent, Teacher, or educator very expacterd able to become the director to all Teenagers because they are asset of nation future. Modernization is a change which we cannot avoid but we can anticipate the obsolence impatc. All of us do not wish to make Teenagers as victim from modernization which disagree whit our nation personality or culture in Indonesia.

Teenagers Modern

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